Mercury, The Tenacious T-Rex Kitty. SO CUTE

Now here’s an animal with tenacity! Mercury isn’t a three-legged cat, he’s a two-legged cat! You’d think that would make life unbearably difficult, but Mercury makes the most of it by doing a rad T-Rex impression most of the time. Isn’t he adorable? Dying. Source: Reddit/imgur     Isn’t Mercury rad? Like him on Facebook and be sure to share this with you...

TV Traffic Reporter Lets It All Go, Live – Frozen Parody

Bob Herzog of Cincinnati’s WKRC has some unique advice for winter traffic woes, and it sounds a lot like “Let It Go” from Frozen. See if you can stick it out to the end – the news team reaction is pretty priceless. I think Bob is pretty brave – be sure to share this video with your...