This 16 Year Old’s Elsa Costume Will Blow You Away
No pun intended (Elsa can control the weather after all!) Angela Clayton, a cosplay artist from Long Island, NY, has slaved away on a gorgeous costume based on Queen Elsa from the Disney hit, Frozen. Take a look at these stunning photos:
This is how the gorgeous cape began.
She painstakingly applied crystals and rhinestones in intricate patterns.
The finished product – perfect.
Congrats Angela on your amazing costume! Way to “Let It Go”!

This Bride’s Entrance Had Everyone In Tears
New bride Arianna Pflederer has made worldwide waves on the web with her heartfelt rendition of…well, just watch.
I’m with the pastor – that’s what’s called making an entrance! Congratulations to the happy couple!
(In case you wanted to know what the song is, it’s called “Look at Me” by Carrie Underwood)

11 Photos That Will Warm Up Your Heart
With all that cold weather out there, sometimes the heart needs to be thawed too. Here are 11 photos guaranteed to melt the most frozen of hearts:
The Animal Rescue League of Berks County has schoolchildren read to their sheltered animals.
This couple has crossed enemyl lines to be together – he’s Israeli, and she’s from Iran. Love doesn’t know borders.
This Mexican paralympic athlete, Arnulfo Castorena, crying tears of joy after winning Mexico’s first medal in the games.
The Moxie Boyz and Girlz doll line has models without hair to support children suffering from cancer. They even donate to City of Hope.
This cat was trapped in a fire and successfully brought back to health by his human pals.
There are a lot of stories about horrible cops, but so many are awesome – including this one who stopped his patrol car to help an injured dog.
This is one of several cleaning establishments that will help you out for free if you need to look good to get work.
I love it when people pay it forward – which snack would you pick? (I’d go for Reese’s, no question)
Kids don’t know that they’re perfect strangers. Can you see what these two are doing while waiting at the airport?
This man was blessed by a stranger who left him breakfast.
This gentleman without a home was given shiny new Nikes by a fellow passenger – they look good on him!

How One Awesome Dog Adopted an Orphaned Chimpanzee
There’s no one in the world like mothers, and the power of a mother’s love can even cross the lines of species!
This baby chimpanzee was orphaned at the local zoo when his mother died.
One of the zookeepers took it home to care for it, and their family dog just happened to have given birth to a litter of puppies.
So the chimp jumped right in.
He quickly fell in love with his new mommy.
She raised him like one of her own.
All mothers are amazing, but let’s give a special shout-out to all of those who have adopted children.
All photos are from Reddit user dmonnens.
He Stuck WHAT in His Beard?!
Reddit user AdamTScott has a brother with a full, manly beard.
So he filled it with toothpicks.
And spaghetti. And some other things…
But his brother is so manly, he didn’t stop there. HOW ABOUT LIT MATCHES?!
What’s that? You don’t put lit matches in YOUR beard?! That’s for the best, it’s probably a really bad idea.
All photos are from Reddit user AdamTScott.