Jul 2, 2014
Simple, glorious visual storytelling at its best. Can you believe Disney let Glen Keane go? Glen designed and animated classic Disney characters like Ariel and Rapunzel. Since leaving Disney, he has worked on his own, most recently with this incredible new short titled Duet.
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Jun 18, 2014
David Bowie and Mick Jagger made a pretty 80s-tastic music video for “Dancin’ in the Street”, but it’s much funnier WITHOUT the music. You gotta see this.
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Jun 4, 2014
Feel like getting a little woozy? Scroll through these gorgeous photos, and try to keep from being hypnotized.
Photo credit: Iain Blake
Photo credit: Naoto Tsujimoto
Photo credit: Philipp Götze
Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Philipp Gotze
Photo credit: Lucas Portee
Photo credit: iwillbehomesoon
Photo credit: Nattapol Pornsalnuwat
Photo credit: Renate Dodell
Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Izidor Gasperlin

Photo credit: Matthias Haker

Photo credit: Laszlo Gal

Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Guillaume Rio
Photo credit: Tony Antoniou
Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Vincent Spanneut
Photo credit: Javier Sanchez
Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Gabriel (BIEL)
Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Joe@plasmatico
Photo credit: Matthias Haker
Photo credit: Beno Saradzic
Photo credit: Ryan C. Anderson
Photo credit: Eric Dufour
Photo credit: Carsten Heyer
Don’t forget to share these gorgeous photos on Facebook!

Jun 4, 2014
Ever tried to watch election coverage on CNN? It’s BORING. South Korean news channels know how to keep their audience interested – and it involves treating the election like a Wii game. In this video, the candidates are inserted into a delightful animated version of Indiana Jones to illustrate the winner:

Here are some more screenshots from South Korean election coverage – note the noodle eating contest! Can you imagine Obama or Romney having a noodle eating contest? I can, and it’s HILARIOUS.
Source: LaurelLavender/imgur
Jun 4, 2014
Thor knows exactly what time it is, and he is having none of it.
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Jun 2, 2014
Denzel Washington is currently starring in “A Raisin in the Sun” on Broadway to sell-out crowds, but last week he took some time out to talk about the difference between dreams and goals, and how he got to where he is today. Amazing wisdom.
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