Oct 27, 2014
The incredible Voices are back again, bringing their unique and glorious sound to this song, “You Have More Friends Than You Know”. If you know someone going through a hard time, share this beautiful piece with them. Hear more from the Voices on their viral “Disney Fly Medley” here.
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Oct 27, 2014
OK Go has released another awesome music video, this time using some futuristic kind of Segways and lots and lots of umbrellas. Plus, it’s one loooong shot!
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Sep 29, 2014
You may not dig her music, but it’s hard to deny that Taylor Swift isn’t classy and generous with her time, especially in this touching video where she stops by a leukemia patient’s room for a visit. She noticed the keyboard he had there, and asked him to play for her. She sang an Adele tune he had been practicing, and I must say, they sound great together.
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Sep 8, 2014
Kawehi has been featured here before with one of her amazing Michael Jackson covers, but here she is with an AWESOME video showcasing her new hit single, Anthem.
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Aug 18, 2014
The X Factor finalist Rachel Potter joins Jamey Ray and the Voices for this gorgeous cover of “A Whole New World”. You can pick up the album here, and hear the Voices’ gorgeous “Flying Medley” on our original post.
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Aug 15, 2014
The subtitles are so helpful. John Daker goes to First United Methodist Church, and he’s going to sing for you today.
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