Sep 24, 2014
KLM’s newest employee works in their Amsterdam terminal, using his hunting skills to return lost items to their owners. SO FREAKING CUTE
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Sep 16, 2014
Comedian Megan MacKay deftly handles the difficult task of making you laugh, and then think as she teaches you how to apply a Ray Rice inspired look in this “tutorial.”
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Sep 16, 2014
I mean, he ain’t Wayne Brady, but he could get it. (PS: mild language if you’re at work)
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Sep 15, 2014
Amelia has learned what is quite possibly the most important dog trick of all time. I. Love. This. Dog.
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Sep 15, 2014
Reactions have ranged from praise to disgust with the newly crowned Miss America, whose talent performance during the competition consisted of Pharrell’s Happy and the rhythmic use of a cup (Pitch Perfect-style). What do you think?
That’s far from the most bizarre talents displayed during the competition. Miss Ohio brought a friend for help.
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