He Stuck WHAT in His Beard?!
Reddit user AdamTScott has a brother with a full, manly beard.
So he filled it with toothpicks.
And spaghetti. And some other things…
But his brother is so manly, he didn’t stop there. HOW ABOUT LIT MATCHES?!
What’s that? You don’t put lit matches in YOUR beard?! That’s for the best, it’s probably a really bad idea.
All photos are from Reddit user AdamTScott.

You’ll Never Guess Why This Fox Is…Wagging Her Tail?
You guys, meet Dawn. Dawn is a very special fox.
She was injured in the wild and found at a dog rescue facility who took her in.
And now, she’s too tame to be released back into the wild. Take a look at her ADORABLE reaction to waking up to her owner’s face: