Feb 20, 2014
It’s Jimmy Fallon’s first week on The Tonight Show, and he’s already making waves with ridiculous stuff like this. Can you imagine how long it must have taken some poor intern to put this together?
You go Brian Williams! Share his mad rapping skills with your friends!
Feb 20, 2014
#SochiFails have been big news since the Winter Olympics began. Today, American luger Kate Hansen posted this video taken in her hotel hallway at the Olympic Village. What do you think – is that a wolf?
Crazy, right? Share this video with your friends!
Feb 20, 2014
This stunning photo was taken by Jonathan Palmer at the funeral of Bardstown, Kentucky police officer Jason Ellis. His dog partner, Figo, pays his last respects.

Feb 20, 2014
Jane Goodall is famous for work with apes, and this touching video shows what happens when one of her charges, Wounda, is released back into the wild. Wounda was incredibly ill and through Goodall and her team’s care, was brought back to full health. Wait till you see what happens around the 3:10 mark – unreal!
Don’t forget to share this incredible video with your friends!
Feb 20, 2014
This is Jinx, an Australian shepherd who is valiantly being led through agility training by her owners. She doesn’t quite have the natural talent for it, and she’s constantly voicing her opinion. Can you make it through without laughing?
Isn’t she funny? Share this crazy dog with your friends!