Mar 7, 2014
Remember this video from a few weeks ago, where a shivering child waited on the kindness of strangers in Norway? What if instead of a child, it’s a grown man who needs a jacket? Do you think strangers will react the same way? I think watching this will warm you up a bit on the inside.
Share this video if you like seeing people help each other out!
Mar 6, 2014
Poet and entertainer Sekou Andrews premiered this incredible video today. I’d recommend turning this up whenever you’re feeling down, because this guy’s on fire.
Know someone who could use a boost? Share this video and spread some joy!
Mar 6, 2014
Hip hop megastar Jay-Z and Academy Award-winner Emma Thompson have collaborated on a new version of the classic musical, Annie. Oscar nominee Quvenzhané Wallace stars as the curly haired optimist, and Jamie Foxx fills the Daddy Warbucks shoes as Benjamin Stacks. And Cameron Diaz is playing…Miss Hannigan?
What do you think? Will this Annie sing? Don’t forget to share this video!
Mar 6, 2014
Spritz is out to change the world, starting with your reading speed. This new app displays words with a particular letter as the focal point, after spending years on researching the “Optimal Recognition Point.” Take a look below to try it out for yourself:

This is 250 words per minute. At this rate, you could read a 76,944 word novel like Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in about 5 hours.

This is 350 words per minute, a little faster, and at the high end of the average college-educated person’s reading speed. At this rate, you could finish that Harry Potter book in 3 hours and 40 minutes.

Now we’re hitting the big time at 500 words per minute. It would take some time to get used to this kind of speed, but once you did, you could put down Harry Potter after 2 and a half hours.
Amazing, huh? Turns out single word display at high speed isn’t a new method, but surprisingly, it’s taken some time to come to the smartphone world. Spritz is starting out with the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Gear S2, but I’m sure other platforms aren’t far behind. Now if we could just get an app that would take us to this beach whenever we want –

Source: We Heart It/viiviwagner/Spritz Inc
Don’t forget to share this article with your friends – think they can read faster than you?
Mar 6, 2014
It was a routine flight for Captain Carey Steacy, a 17 year veteran pilot who works for Westjet Airlines in Canada, until she found this note attached to the cockpit door:

The mother of two didn’t take it lying down and posted the ludicrous note on Facebook with this response:
“I have heard many comments from people throughout my 17 year career as a pilot,” Steacy wrote. “Most of them positive. Your note is, without a doubt, the funniest…You were more than welcome to deplane when you heard I was a ‘fair lady’…We all, us humans, have the same rights in this great free country of ours. Now, back to my most important role, being a mother.”
Congratulations to Captain Steacy for her strength. Share this flabbergasting story if you think she deserves to be famous.