Jun 4, 2014
Ever tried to watch election coverage on CNN? It’s BORING. South Korean news channels know how to keep their audience interested – and it involves treating the election like a Wii game. In this video, the candidates are inserted into a delightful animated version of Indiana Jones to illustrate the winner:

Here are some more screenshots from South Korean election coverage – note the noodle eating contest! Can you imagine Obama or Romney having a noodle eating contest? I can, and it’s HILARIOUS.
Source: LaurelLavender/imgur
Jun 4, 2014
Thor knows exactly what time it is, and he is having none of it.
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Jun 2, 2014
Denzel Washington is currently starring in “A Raisin in the Sun” on Broadway to sell-out crowds, but last week he took some time out to talk about the difference between dreams and goals, and how he got to where he is today. Amazing wisdom.
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May 27, 2014
BYU’s Vocal Point group has created a music video that is so rad, it’s hard to describe. Featuring a medley of amazing songs from Disney’s Newsies with amazing choreography, and it all takes place with just one long shot!
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May 27, 2014
Prepare to die of cute. Frostie the Snow Goat was abandoned by his mother and contracted an infection that left him without the use of his hind legs. While her condition is improving, mobility is important to the healing process, so another goat at Edgar’s Mission graciously donated his cart so that Frostie can get around. Watch, it’s beautiful!
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